Alain Goy

A tale of jazz, and of water

Alain Goy
Conductor, trumpet player, composer, arranger

Once upon a time...
In a little spa town somewhere in France, but very, very close to Geneva.

About twenty jazz aficionados, top notch enthusiasts and pros, interpret swing, groove, Broadway song... Under the baton of Alain GOY, trumpet player, composer and arranger, this orchestra brings the great instrumental and vocal jazz repertoire to life, accompanies guests or expands its repertoire with string orchestras. Concerts where the musicians play and deliver their best, in the footsteps of the most illustrious, interpreting original compositions... 100% Big Band!

And, as water never stops flowing, our repertoire is constantly evolving as we collaborate with artists from all walks of life.

The Big Band is an orchestra of the
Maison de la Musique de Divonne
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Studio & Live Audio

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